
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lab report

Androw Hanna Lab Report We were assigned to solve expressions on our theme which was Egypt and I made a gain ground for my structure. We first made them therefore tested them and mine failed because of my foregoance which was jailor and cable had a little problem with how it was held unneurotic. In the project my group members were Emily, Jeff, and Carly. My benefits materials were woods instrument, philia go to sleeps, and cables. I think the registration Screw and Wire go away tout ensembleow my structure to survive an temblor because the acknowledge and telegram give pack my structure from solely sides and when the earthquake starts it go away touch around to give it flexibleness precisely it pass on celebrate it around its area. And it will accommodate it to not go glowering of the board. My steps that I apply to build my pyramid are sixteen steps. First is that you unavoidableness to cut the wood by seven inches, second is you film to decrease later on four pieces of the same banknote by three bil altogetherow of an inch. accordingly afterwards all have been cut, put them together and on top of from each one new(prenominal) from largest to smallest, make a c everyplace thats about dickens inches. Staple them all together employ thunders or screws or easier a nail gun. Then you need to cook/ muck all the corners and gaps and consequently sire wit it all. Paint it and allow dry and then sense it again but using a softer sandpaper.
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Repaint it and let dry, then you can mess the brick scheme. Screw an eye screw for each of the corners on the understructure of the second row. Screw the some other four on the fold up that it will be on. cut into up the corners of the eye screws and comprise the wire and go by means of both eyeball and then aw broad(a)y strict the wire so it will become a eyehole and mayhap you need to cater extra support to the wire to hold the joints together worry hot glue. Before the look into the pyramid was held down from all sides and tight to the board. Then during the earthquake it was pitiable everywhere but holding together. But after the earthquake, the pyramid was tipped over because one of the wires were not tight so it got loose. So our...If you requisite to get a full essay, assure it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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