
Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Lesson 8 - Interdependence among Nations This lead be marked. The answers be to be handed in on Tuesday, 14 February!! Knowledge/Understanding 1. invest of a specific fruit that you use on a daily basis. a) Trace the crossroad through its primary and substantiating industries. b) Name triplet tertiary industries that atomic number 18 involved with this overlap. c) absolve briefly how value has been added to this fruit by primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. 2. get a line terce ways that you ar dependent upon foreign businesses. Thinking 3. awkward where three articles of clothing you are wearing were made. 4. Name three products that you eat in the departed fewer days that were produced in Malaysia; state three products that you ate in the past few days that were non made in Malaysia. 5. One of Malaysias study imports is pharmaceuticals. See http://www.espicom.com/prodcat2.nsf/Product_ID_Lookup/00000325?OpenDocument Briefly apologize how a Malaysians life would be change if these products were not imported. 6.
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Look on the internet to find the product or service offered, and the spatial relation of the parent companys headquarters, for from each one of the avocation companies: * IKEA * Nokia * Samsung * LOreal * Fiat * Cadbury * Bombardier * Bayer (Questions continue on the reverse power jeer [please turn over]) Communication 7. Name a Malaysian: * Book you gain ground to read * Movie you have seen * CD you have bought/downloaded * Television political program you have seen. Application 8. What international businesses do you use on a regular basis? 9. You are the vice-president of global operations for a large Canadian engineering science firm. You are thinking of expanding your operations into Brazil. Use the Canadian regimes Department of foreign Affairs and International business website to answer the following questions: a) What is the sling for and telephone number for the Canadian embassy in Brasilia? whence would...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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